Poster series with results from the third NFI 2004-06
Are you planning an excursion in the forest? Would you like to present some information about the Swiss forest?
WSL has prepared 15 posters with the results from the third NFI. For each chapter in the NFI Report, there is a summary poster, usually with one or two additional in-depth posters:
- download leaflet (A4 format, pdf 14.9 MB)
- download poster (A1 format, pdf 63.4 MB)
Brändli, U.-B.; Denzler, L.; Dingwall, S., 2015: Results of the third NFI 2004-06. Poster series in 15 parts. [Published online 24.08.2015] Available on the Internet <>. Birmensdorf, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.
The series includes the following posters:
#1The National Forest Inventory: Insights into the Swiss forest
#2The National Forest Inventory: A sampling inventory
#3Forest resources: Forest area and growing stock are increasing
#4Forest resources: Tree species in the Swiss forest
#5Forest resources: From wood supplier to multifunctional forest
#6Health and vitality: A mixed picture
#7Health and vitality: High proportion of damaged wood
#8Wood production: Wood – a valuable commodity
#9Wood production: More wood from the Swiss forest?
#10Biodiversity: A rich habitat
#11Biodiversity: Deadwood lives
#12Protection forest: Protection against natural hazards
#13Protection forest: Maintaining protection forests
#14Protection forest: Protection of drinking water
#15Socioeconomics: Invaluable space for recreation