Sightings form of trees growing at highest altitudes


We need your help to record the highest-elevation specimens of the tree and shrub species occurring in Switzerland. Please report your sightings using the form provided for this purpose.

The reported trees or shrubs must be at least 10 cm tall when measured vertically.

All reported sightings that meet this requirement will be published in our logbook. The most important sightings will be verified by the NFI field teams on site.

Sighting form

* denotes mandatory field

Information about the observer

This information is required.
This information is required.
This information is required.

Information about the plant

This information is required.
Optional plant-id according to the system of the observer.

This information is required.
The measured height of the ligneous part of the plant has to be at least 0.1 m to be accepted as a valid.
Diameter measured at 1.3 m above ground (uphill) or at 1.3 m when lying on the ground
This information is required.
Metering precision of the plant height and DBH.
Photo 1: plant*
Photo(s) of the plant, preferably with a reference object such as a ruler or human. Photos must be in jpg or png format. The file size of all photos together cannot be greater than 36MB.
This information is required
Allowed file formats are jpg or png. The file size of all photos together can not be greater than 36MB.
Photo 2: location*
Photo(s) showing an overview of the site, including the plant or the marked location of the sighting. Photos must be in jpg or png format. The file size of all photos together cannot be greater than 36MB.
This information is required
Allowed file formats are jpg or png. The file size of all photos together can not be greater than 36MB.
Additional photos
Up to three photos can be selected at once. Photos must be in jpg or png format. The file size of all photos together cannot be greater than 36MB.
Allowed file formats are jpg or png. The file size of all photos together can not be greater than 36MB.

Information about the location of the sighting

This information is required.
The date has to be in the format TT.MM.JJJJ (e.g. 31.01.2015).
The date has to be in the format TT.MM.JJJJ (z.B. 31.01.2015).
This information is required.
in meters (m): measured with a GPS, altimeter or read from the National Map 1:25'000 by swisstopo
This information is required.
Measured with a GPS or read from the National Map 1:25'000 by swisstopo
This information is required.
Measured with a GPS or read from the National Map 1:25'000 by swisstopo
This information is required.
Metering precision of the coordinates
This information is required.
This information is required.
This information is required.
Field name according to the labeling of the National Map 1:25'000 by swisstopo

Information about publication rights

*The name of the observer can be shown on the NFI website
This information is required.
*The photos can be shown in the logbook on the NFI website
This information is required.

Additional information

We store your details for possible further inquiries. We neither share them with third parties nor use them for marketing purposes. You can request deletion at any time: