Current data catalog

Tabelle Auswertung Flächendaten

Variable nameVariable descriptionUnit
AGEDOMKL5dominant agecode
AHAUFENpile of branches and woodcode
ANZBAOBERKLAnumber of tree species in the upper layercode
AUFBAUstructure of forest edgecode
AUFFORUMFyear of afforestation (in decades)code
AUFFORUMF5year of afforestation (5 classes)code
AUFFORUMF6year of afforestation (6 classes)code
BASFPHKLA20basal area (standing-living - in 4 classes)code
BEERDGdegree of cover with berry bushescode
BESTALTKLA20stand age (in 20-year classes)code
BESTALTKLA40stand age (in 40-year classes)code
BESTEVOLUMFstand's origincode
BESTGROEstand sizecode
BESTINRAinner edgecode
BESTSTABKATstand stabilitycode
BEWIGRsize of management unitcode
BEWIRTINT1forest management intensitycode
BFANTNDHKLAproportion of conifers in basal area (standing-living; 4 classes)code
BIOLFI2NV20KLbiotope value (3 classes)code
BODVEGDGdegree of cover of ground vegetationcode
BRANDtraces of firecode
BSTSGRADdegree of damage to the standcode
BWARTENKLA4diversity of woody species in the stand (3 classes)code
BWNATURNNV20naturalness of the proportion of coniferscode
BWSTRUKTKLAstructural diversity of the standcode
DDOMKLA5dominant diameter at breast height (standing-living; 5 classes)code
DDOMKLA50old timber standcode
DDOMKLA8dominant diameter at breast height (standing-living - in 8 classes)code
DICHTEdensity of forest edgecode
EIGENKATownership (2 categories)code
EIGENTUMownership (7 types)code
EINGSEITVIsilvicultural treatment since the last inventorycode
ERHAANDERErecreation type 'other activities'code
ERHABIKENrecreation type 'mountain biking'code
ERHAJOGGrecreation type 'jogging'code
ERHALAGERNrecreation type 'camping'code
ERHARADFArecreation type 'cycling'code
ERHAREITENrecreation type 'horse-riding'code
ERHASCHNEEWArecreation type 'snowshoeing'code
ERHASKIBORDrecreation type 'ski- and snowboarding'code
ERHASKILANGrecreation type 'cross-country skiing'code
ERHASPAZrecreation type 'walking'code
ERHAWANDERrecreation type 'hiking'code
ERHNUTINTUMFintensity of recreational usecode
ERHOLUNGKLArecreation infrastructurecode
ERHSAISseasonality of recreational usecode
ERNTARTlogging systemcode
ERNTAUSFharvesting of timbercode
EROSION4traces of erosioncode
ERSABSstatus of forest road networkcode
ERSKONZtransportation system plancode
ESTdevelopment stagecode
FLSCHADFLdamage gapcode
FLSCHDGKLA10extent of damage gaps (10 classes)code
FORSTPLANforest planning documentscode
GEOMORPHgeomorphological objectcode
GEWAESSwater bodycode
HEVERFAHR12timber-harvesting techniquecode
HOHAUEINrestrictions on loggingcode
LETZNUKLAtime of last treatment (in 5- or 10-year classes)code
LETZNUKLA10time of last treatment (in 10-year classes)code
LETZNUKLA50time of last treatment (in 50-year classes )code
LUECKENtype of gapcode
MANTELBRKLAwidth of shelterbeltcode
MISCHGdegree of mixture (terrestrial)code
NEODOMdominance of alien woody species (neophytes; 3 classes; from NFI3 on)code
NEODOMKLA2dominance of alien woody species (neophytes; 2 classes; from NFI3 on)code
NEODOMPBBAALdominance of introduced woody species (3 classes; from NFI1 on)code
NEXEINGtiming of next treatmentcode
NEXEINGARTtype of next treatmentcode
NPHG24KLA100number of stems (dbh ≥24 cm; standing-living; classified)code
NPHG36KLA100number of stems (dbh ≥36 cm; standing-living; classified)code
NPHKLA100number of stems/ha (dbh ≥12 cm; standing-living; classified)code
NUARTtype of last silvicultural treatmentcode
OEKOLFI2KLAecotone valuecode
QUELLdrinking-water catchment areacode
RUEDISKLA4extraction distancecode
RUTSCH1traces of landslidescode
SCHLUSSGcrown closurecode
SCHNEEtraces of snow movementcode
SDIKLAstand density index (SDI – in 4 classes)code
SPFRZvehicle trackscode
SPSCHADpresence of vehicle tracks (soil disturbances)code
SPUMGlocation of vehicle trackscode
STEINtraces of rockfallcode
STOECKEstumps and lying deadwoodcode
STRABRKLwidth of shrub beltcode
STRADGdegree of cover of the shrub layercode
STRUKstand structurecode
THOLZGEShabitat quality w.r.t. deadwoodcode
TRANSDISKLA4 prehauling distancecode
TROSTEIdry stone wall or pile of stonescode
TYP2forest without shrub forest - shrub forestcode
TYP3forest type (3 classes)code
TYP30512forest type (12 classes)code
TYP30517forest type (17 classes)code
UEBERBELhuman overuse and disturbancecode
VERJARTtype of regenerationcode
VERJDGregeneration covercode
VERJDGFdegree of regeneration cover (7 classes)code
VERJGESDGdegree of cover of established regenerationcode
VERLAUFshape of forest edgecode
VERYBESTstand relevant for regenerationcode
VORHERBApredominant tree speciescode
VORHERNLpredominant tree classcode
WAFKTCO2forest function: carbon sinkcode
WAFKTERHOLforest function 'recreation'code
WAFKTHOLZforest function 'timber production'code
WAFKTLANDSforest function 'landscape protection'code
WAFKTLANDWforest function 'agricultural use'code
WAFKTMILITforest function 'military'code
WAFKTNATURforest function 'nature conservation'code
WAFKTSCHUTZforest function «protection against natural hazards»code
WAFKTSPEZspecial forest function (2 classes)code
WAFKTWASSERforest function 'drinking-water protection'code
WAFKTWILDforest function 'game protection'code
WAFKTWINDSforest function 'windbreak'code
WEIDtraces of pasturingcode
WEIDHISyear of last pasturingcode
WEIDINTpasturing intensitycode
WEPstatus of forest development planscode
WEPJAHRKLA6year of forest development plan (6 classes)code
WRANZARTKLA5number of woody species along the forest edgecode
WRARTENKLA5diversity of woody species along the forest edge (3 classes)code
WRES2023TYPreserve typecode
WRGRENboundary of forest edgecode
WRSTRKLFI4KLstructural diversity of the forest edge (without herbaceous fringe)code
WRUMGsurroundings of forest edgecode
WRZUSTstate of forest edgecode
WUTEAKTpresence of root platescode
WUTEEHpresence of root-plate remnantscode
ZERTARTstatus of certificationcode
ZERTLABELcertification labelcode
ZWANUANTKL3proportion of sanitary/salvage fellingscode
ZWANUURSreason for sanitary/salvage felling (forest area classifier)code
