Logbook of elevation records Filter results speciesTaxus baccata(2)Abies alba(11)Acer campestris(1)Betula pendula(1)Daphne mezereum(1)Fagus sylvatica(2)Juniperus communis(2)Larix decidua(18)Malus sylvestris(1)Picea abies(2)Pinus cembra(31)Pinus sylvestris(2)Quercus petraea(1)Quercus pubescens(2)Robinia pseudoacacia(3)Salix caprea(1)Salix spec.(1)Sambucus racemosa(1)Sorbus aria(1)show more... plant height>= 5 m(2) cantonVS(2)GL(3)GR(2) Current status current Swiss elevation record for this species and plant height class sighting verified by the NFI Logbook 1150 mTaxus baccata>= 5 mlocation:Champex, Les Gorges, Dorénazcanton:VSplant height:5 mUrs-Beat Brändli #125, 23.04.2021 1136 mTaxus baccata>= 5 mlocation:Champex, Les Gorges, Dorénazcanton:VSplant height:7.9 mUrs-Beat Brändli #124, 23.04.2021