German-French-Italian-English dictionary of plant names and technical terms used in the NFI.
pioneer tree species
Tree species that occurs frequently in early successional stages and has the following characteristics: fructificates annually, produces large quantities of easily spreadable seeds, has a low tolerance for shade but great tolerance for extreme climatic conditions (frost, drought, wind, irradiation), grows rapidly when young and has a short lifespan.
Baumart, die in frühen Sukzessionsstadien häufig vorkommt und folgende Eigenschaften aufweist: jährliche Fruktifikation, Bildung grosser Mengen von leicht verbreitbaren Samen, geringe Schattentoleranz, grosse Toleranz gegenüber extremen Klimabedingungen (Frost, Trockenheit, Wind, Einstrahlung), schnelles Jugendwachstum, geringe Lebensdauer.
essence pionnière
Essence souvent présente dans les premiers stades de succession et ayant les caractéristiques suivantes: fructification annuelle, formation de nombreuses graines qui se dispersent facilement, faible tolérance à l’ombre, grande tolérance aux conditions climatiques extrêmes (gel, sécheresse, vent, insolation), croissance rapide en jeunesse, courte durée de vie.
specie pioniere
Specie arborea che si trova spesso nei primi stadi della successione e che presenta le seguenti caratteristiche: fruttificazione annuale, produzione abbondante di semi che si disperdono facilmente, bassa tolleranza all'ombra, alta tolleranza a condizioni climatiche estreme (gelo, siccità, vento, forte insolazione), crescita rapida in gioventù, breve durata di vita.