
German-French-Italian-English dictionary of plant names and technical terms used in the NFI.

stage of development

Stage of the development of a stand which is defined by the mean or the dominant tree size measure (diameter or height). In the NFI the following stages of development are defined based on the dominant DBH: young growth/thicked (< 12 cm), poletimber (12-30 cm), young timber (31-40cm), medium timber (41-50 cm) and old timber (>50 cm).



Etappe der Bestandesentwicklung, die aufgrund der mittleren oder dominanten Baumgrösse (Durchmesser oder Höhe) definiert wird. Im LFI werden aufgrund des dominanten Brusthöhendurchmessers (BHDdom) die Entwicklungsstufen Jungwuchs / Dickung (< 12 cm), Stangenholz (12–30 cm), schwaches (31–40 cm), mittleres (41–50 cm) und starkes (> 50 cm) Baumholz unterschieden.


stade de développement

Étape dans l’évolution du peuplement, définie d’après les grandeurs moyennes ou dominantes (diamètre ou hauteur). En fonction du diamètre dominant (DHPdom), l’IFN distingue les stades de développement suivants: le recrû / fourré (<12 cm), le perchis (12-30 cm), la jeune futaie (31-40 cm), la futaie moyenne (41-50 cm) et la vieille futaie (>50 cm).


stadio di sviluppo

Tappa nell'evoluzione di un popolamento, definita in base alle dimensioni medie o dominanti raggiunte (diametro o altezza). Nell'IFN gli stadi di sviluppo vengono distinti sulla base del diametro dominante (BHDdom): novelleto/spessina (<12 cm), perticaia (12-30 cm), fustaia giovane (31-40 cm), fustaia adulta (41-50 cm) e fustaia matura (> 50 cm).