German-French-Italian-English dictionary of plant names and technical terms used in the NFI.
silvicultural treatment (syn.: silvicultural intervention)
Silvicultural intervention in a stand, mainly in the form of tending, thinning or regenerating.
Eingriff, waldbaulicher
Forstliche Massnahme im Bestand, v.a. Massnahmen der Pflege, Durchforstung oder Verjüngung.
intervention (sylvicole)
Terme regroupant les mesures sylvicoles dans le peuplement, principalement les soins à la jeune forêt, les éclaircies et la régénération.
intervento (selvicolturale)
Misura selvicolturale nel popolamento, comprende in particolare le cure colturali, i diradamenti e la rinnovazione.